Dean – North Shore

“From starting classes with FitForce over a year ago I have stuck with them due to the awesome and consistent encouragement given. Without this I think I may have faltered and found it much harder to stick at it. I have got the results I wanted. Fitter than I have ever been (@ 44) and have almost reached my weight loss goal with using the nutrition plan alongside the workouts. Absolutely stoked!”


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    About Us


    FitForce provides clients with the best possible outdoor bootcamp and personal training, as well as other top quality services and products..

    Our chief instructor has a background in military training having spent 10 years as a Royal Marines Commando, earned his Green Beret, served in operational environments and qualified as a Physical Training and Sports Officer.

    Contact Info


    FitForce provides clients with the best possible bootcamp and personal training, as well as other top quality retreats, services and products.

    Phone:    021 0312214


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